Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pigeon Forge With Connection Group

A week ago today, our connection Group from church went up to Pigeon Forge for a few days. Our group is just awesome, and it was so much fun! We stayed two nights and three days, but we've all decided that wasn't enough. By the time you travel up there for almost a full day, and have to check out by 11:00 the day you leave--it only leaves one full day for doing all the fun things in Pigeon Forge. On the way up, we stopped at Fat Buddies for Barbeque. YUM!
Below, are Rodney & Susie Webb, me, and Pat & Richard Tooke. Larry & Katherine Stine went seperately and met us there.
Thursday evening, we ate dinner at the Applewood Farm Restaurant. It was delicious, too. It looks already like all we did was eat, but we DID do a few other things. Ha!

Friday, we sat around the cabin and did a lot of talking, had our lesson for the week, shopped, and......ate again! This time it was at the Old Mill Restaurant. In this photo, we are leaving with very full tummies!

The Old Mill is a beautiful setting in the middle of Pigeon Forge. God blessed us with gorgeous weather all day on Friday--even though we had rain going up, and on the trip home. We travelled home on Saturday, since all of us have responsibilities at church on Sundays. Two of the couples in the group weren't able to go, so we will have to plan another trip soon.

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