Wednesday, May 26, 2010

1st Swim Meet & Still Celebratin'

Evan has just recently started swimming on his neighborhood swim team, and yesterday was his first- ever swim meet. We were SO proud of him! Most of the boys on his team had already been swimming a year. But, even though this was Evan's first year, he won his back-stroke heat. Pressley, of course, was enjoying herself--chillin' with her feet in the water!
Here's the big boy swimmer! (I can't believe he's growing up so fast!). For Pressley, "fashion" is a must! She thoroughly enjoyed wearing Mommy's hat around the pool!

Pressley met up with a neighborhood friend( who happened to be wearing the same dress!)

Here is Evan ready to jump in the pool.

And here he is doing his back stroke event!

In lane 1, he is nudging ahead! Then, little sister is showing him how proud she is of him!

Since yesterday was Evan's actual birthday, we, of course, celebrated again by going to Moe's after the meet. This boy loves him some Mexican Food!!! And cupcakes, too!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Evan's 6th Birthday Party

Evan has been taking Karate this year, and he has really gotten into it. Since he likes "Power Rangers", he decided he wanted a Karate party with a Power Ranger theme. Below, the instructors are letting Evan demonstrate a Karate position. All the kids seemed to enjoy the demonstration, and even Pressley liked the "tiger pose". Cute, with her little bracelet and dress on, Huh?

Evan is doing the "crane pose". Good for balance, I guess!

Below, the instructor is swinging a rope and the kids were supposed to jump it instead of getting hit by it. Will did really well--he was the last one OUT! And he doesn't even take Karate.

Very few of these boys had any martial arts exposure, but look how mesmerized they are!

Even the girls were listening intently.

Then came the fabulous cake! Three Power Rangers! Amy just keeps getting better !

Happy Birthday, Evan!!!!

Two Programs to Share

While I'm stepping back, I didn't want to miss the opportunity to share a couple of cute programs that we were blessed to witness--as the grandparents! On May 6th, we got to go up to Buford and watch, as Abby's class did a Mother's Day fashion show. Thay were all SO cute! Some dressed as Firemen, Police Officers, Soldiers, Dancers, etc. Others dressed as cute "ladies". Here, Abby and a friend walk the runway.
After the fashion show, we all got to return to Abby's 1st grade classroom and hear each of the students read their entry in their classroom book called " What I Want to be When I Grow Up".

Abby did a great job reading from the book. She is such a sweet girl, and I was so surprised to hear that she wanted to be an Art Teacher when she grows up.

Then, on May 12th, we were blessed to hear Evan and Pressley's "Praise Pals" class share what they had learned this year. Our Amy, and her friend Lisa Kennedy, are the teachers of the Preschool Praise Pal Worship groups. They have really done a great job with the kids this year. They have taught them some sign language, rhythm, and lots of sweet songs about God.

There are so many cute children in that group! That's Evan in the yellow shirt and Kayla Turley in the front. She is such a beautiful little girl. They all have so much fun together.

The next picture is so cute to me! The little boy in the front row( in the blue shirt) is Russell Garner's son, Benjamin. And, of course, Pressley is in the polka dot dress. Russell and Amy grew up together at Briarlake--and now their children( who look just like they did at the same age) are growing up together--and are good friends, too. Isn't that SO neat?! I am always astonished at how great God is!!!

Aren't they all adorable?! The little boy in orange is our Pastor's son, Bailey. Below, they are signing "world"--but they are all supposed to have 3 fingers rotating( to form a W). They were singing about the "Music all around me in God's World".

Below, they are singing about "God's Love in their Hearts"

We absolutely love going to these programs, and feel so blessed to live close enough to our grandchildren to be able to attend their church and school programs!

A Little Step Back

I was about to share some pictures with you from Evan's Birthday party and our shopping trip with him, when it dawned on me that I hadn't shared the rest of Pressley's Birthday Celebration. Pressley's Birthday is exactly a month before Evan's( April 25th). I shared her Pre-Birthday photos, but failed to finish out the festivities! SO--- here we go! Above, Pressley is sitting on her brand new bike. Her Mommy, Daddy and Evan gave it to her--and she was so excited. She especially loved it when she realized it was a "Princess" bike!
Her party was held at "Monkey Joe's". It was originally supposed to be at the park, but due to torrential rains that were expected that weekend, Amy had to make last minute changes. Even though Pressley is very fearful of Monkey Joe, himself, the party turned out to be a huge success( thanks to those who were on the "lookout" for the guy dressed in the Monkey Joe costume!). Lots of kids came and lots of fun was had by all! All four cousins enjoyed posing in the "Birthday Chair".

Here's Pressley with her Princess Jasmine cake her Mommy made. Amy is getting to be quite the little cake decorator! Her cakes are pound cakes(made with Ralph's mother's recipe) and decorated with her own little special process. Not only are they pretty, but they are delicious, too!