Wednesday, May 26, 2010

1st Swim Meet & Still Celebratin'

Evan has just recently started swimming on his neighborhood swim team, and yesterday was his first- ever swim meet. We were SO proud of him! Most of the boys on his team had already been swimming a year. But, even though this was Evan's first year, he won his back-stroke heat. Pressley, of course, was enjoying herself--chillin' with her feet in the water!
Here's the big boy swimmer! (I can't believe he's growing up so fast!). For Pressley, "fashion" is a must! She thoroughly enjoyed wearing Mommy's hat around the pool!

Pressley met up with a neighborhood friend( who happened to be wearing the same dress!)

Here is Evan ready to jump in the pool.

And here he is doing his back stroke event!

In lane 1, he is nudging ahead! Then, little sister is showing him how proud she is of him!

Since yesterday was Evan's actual birthday, we, of course, celebrated again by going to Moe's after the meet. This boy loves him some Mexican Food!!! And cupcakes, too!!

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