Sunday, April 11, 2010

Experiencing Easter

Spring is probably my most favorite season of the year. After a LONG cold winter, Spring reminds me of "new beginnings"! It always reminds me that the fun summertime is on the way. And Easter is always the highlight of Spring. Thanks to Beth and Amy, I have some pictures of our little cuties in their Easter outfits. By the time we all got together, they had all changed their clothes. But, here they are--all dressed up.

After a wonderful day of worship, our family got together at Amy and Corin's house. Our fairly new tradition is to all go down to the common area in their subdivision and let the kids hunt Easter eggs. There are huge rocks they like to climb on, and lots of grassy space for them to run. Below, the boys are perched on the top of the rocks.

And the rocks, of course, are a perfect place for Abby and Pressley to pose!

After David and Matthew hid the eggs, the kids were off to find all the colorful treasures.

Granny always loves to watch the kids do their hunt--and the kids love having her there, too!

Below, the kids are opening their goodie bags from GranNan and Poppy.

Matching night gowns for the girls--and matching PJ's for the boys. They love to dress alike at the beach in the summer!

Look at the yummy cake Beth made this year. It was so good!

Happy Easter everyone! We hope each of you had a special Easter!

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