Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pressley's "Pre-Birthday"

Yesterday, Ralph and I had the priviledge of spending the afternoon with our "Precious Pressley". As I have shared with you before, we have started a tradition of taking each grandchild, by themselves, with us shopping for their birthday. We take them to lunch (or an ice cream shop of their choice)--and give them a certain amount to spend. Parents, nor siblings are allowed, and once the money is gone, that's it. This was Pressley's first year to do this, and considering her age, we thought she might not catch on to the concept. But, she was a "trooper". She saw a lot of things she liked, but when it came down to making a decision, she knew exactly what she wanted! She chose a Barbie cash register that has a microphone and scanner--and a Disney teapot full of tea party items. As you can see, she got busy playing with the cash register before we even left the store!

I thought this picture was so cute! Pressley has her Poppy wrapped around her little finger!!!

Earlier in the day, when we picked Pressley up and asked where she wanted to eat lunch, she decided that she just wanted to go to our house. We wanted to make the day extra-special for her, so we suggested several places we knew she liked. But to no avail! "I want to go to your house", she said. Well, that's what we did! But then, she was very receptive after lunch, when we suggested going to Rita's for ice cream!

Look at that happy face--and ALL those sprinkles! She loved it! (And her GranNan and Poppy loved being with her!)

We realize that, in a few short years, these four "grands" will not put us at the top of their list of favorite people to "hang out" with! But, for now, we are thoroughly enjoying them!!!!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring Break at the Beach

Well, Poppy and GranNan got to go to the beach for Spring Break this year! Since Corin couldn't take the time off from work, Amy asked if we'd like to go with her and the kids. Of course we did! We always jump at the chance to spend time with our children and "grands"! We stayed at High Point, in Rosemary Beach. Amy and Corin had been there before, but it was our first time. Except for the 47 step going down to the beach, we loved everything about it! I'm serious-- Ralph counted. There were 47 steps! Ugh, my knee will never be the same!

Evan and Pressley were SO good! They play really well together--and love the beach.

Pressley had a lot of fun burying Evan in the sand--and I really think Evan enjoyed it, too!

They each play quite well seperately, too. Pressley talks constantly--even if her performing is only for the ocean!

Do they look like they are ready for the Peachtree?

This is what we spotted in a gully close to the pool. He got a lot of attention!! So cute!

Evan was so protective of his sister at the pool--and she clung to him at first. Then, as she became more accustomed to the water, she was ready to be her independant self.

It was still pretty chilly while we were there, so the kids enjoyed wrapping up in their towels. Isn't Evan just "too cute"?

Our little princess.........

A rare treat at the Sugar Shack!

We all had so much fun--and were completely worn out by the end of the day!

Pie anyone????

We found lots of great places to eat. Here we are at Great Southern Cafe in Seaside. Ralph and I had the most awesome Shrimp and Grits there I have EVER tasted!

Our new "find" was George's, in Alys Beach. It is very small, but so cute.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Experiencing Easter

Spring is probably my most favorite season of the year. After a LONG cold winter, Spring reminds me of "new beginnings"! It always reminds me that the fun summertime is on the way. And Easter is always the highlight of Spring. Thanks to Beth and Amy, I have some pictures of our little cuties in their Easter outfits. By the time we all got together, they had all changed their clothes. But, here they are--all dressed up.

After a wonderful day of worship, our family got together at Amy and Corin's house. Our fairly new tradition is to all go down to the common area in their subdivision and let the kids hunt Easter eggs. There are huge rocks they like to climb on, and lots of grassy space for them to run. Below, the boys are perched on the top of the rocks.

And the rocks, of course, are a perfect place for Abby and Pressley to pose!

After David and Matthew hid the eggs, the kids were off to find all the colorful treasures.

Granny always loves to watch the kids do their hunt--and the kids love having her there, too!

Below, the kids are opening their goodie bags from GranNan and Poppy.

Matching night gowns for the girls--and matching PJ's for the boys. They love to dress alike at the beach in the summer!

Look at the yummy cake Beth made this year. It was so good!

Happy Easter everyone! We hope each of you had a special Easter!

Doughnuts, Eggs and All Things Good!

On a beautiful Saturday morning, the day before Easter Sunday, we all met in the gym at Briarlake for the annual community Easter Egg Hunt. Doughnuts, coffee and juice were served to everyone who arrived before the hunt began. If you look carefully in the front of the crowd, you'll see three of our grandchildren. What a wonderful day it was! I have never seen so many precious children under one roof! This little smiling face from the community was what it was all about!
After tummies were filled, the Easter story was presented through a brief animated video. For some, this was probably the first time they had ever heard the story of Jesus' sacrificial love for us all!--and the wonderful resurrection of God's Son!

After the video and a short message from the Pastor, the kids and their parents were ushered to the ballfield or yard where the kids would begin the hunt. Below, Evan and Pressley's age group are anxiously waiting to hear, "Ready, Set.........


Pressley had a ball! ( with the help of Corin ).

Abby was determined to find that prize egg!

The hunt was for kids from Babies through 5th grade. This little cutie below is the granddaughter of Rodney and Susie Webb. Too Cute!!!

And, of course, here are three of ours! I don't know where Will was when this was taken, but knowing how competitive he is, I'm thinking he was in search of that one last egg!

What fun that was! They can't wait for next year!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hard To Believe It's Been So Long!!!

Man, have I become a real "slacker", when it comes to blogging! I don't know where the time goes! Well, at least we've been having fun during the "slacker time"! I'm going to dedicate this post to catching up on just what we've been up to. Since it's been so long since I posted, I forgot that Blogger posts pictures backward from the way you enter them. SO.......I will start with the more recent pictures, and go backward. SO.... here we go! The above picture is from this past Thursday, when Amy, Pressley and I had a Mother/ Daughter/ Grandmother Day at the neighborhood Nail salon. Pressley was so precious! She finished way before Amy and I did, so she had a little wait. Amy let her use her iPhone---so, here she is multi-tasking! She played a little iPhone game while she let her fingernails and toenails dry.
Will's birthday was March 25th, and he was able to celebrate twice. This picture is from his family party. He also had a party with his friends, and took them to see a movie--and came back to his house for pizza! At this celebration, Will's "birthday cake" was a cheesecake with a "9" candle on it.

We are beginning a new tradition this year. We are going to take each of our "grands" shopping on their special day, and let them pick out their own birthday gift from us. On Will's actual birthday, we checked him out of school at 1:00, and went straight to the Legacy Station. It is a train store and has lots of neat model trains. He chose two train cars--one box car and one tank car. Here he is, showing off his cars!

Abby's birthday was one week before Will's, March 18th. We also checked her out of school early and took her shopping. She chose to go to the Mall of Georgia! We looked at the Croc store, let her ride the carousel, and ended up at the "Build-a-Bear store. She had a ball there--and spent all of her money there--in one place! Below, she is opening her make-up train case from her Mom and Dad.
In this next picture, she is blowing out her "7" candle at her family party. Abby also had a kids' party, where she and her friends celebrated with a sleepover. There were 6 girls-- and they all had a wonderful time! Beth and David may never be the same again, however!
Below, Abby is so thrilled to ride the carousel! Actually, this was the second time she rode it that day!

Near St. Patrick's Day, this was our craft! We learned about how the shamrock represents the three parts of the Holy Trinity.

In March, we celebrated my birthday. You can't guess my age from this cake Amy made--thank goodness!

Also in March, Will's class had a musical performance! Even though his Mom is his music teacher, Will doesn't really get into music. He says he says the words in his head, but doesn't like to sing. Below, is Will with some of his classmates.

The name of the musical was " School House Rock"!

Back in February, Evan and Pressley helped me make and decorate these heart-shaped brownies. They loved putting on the sprinkles!

Below, Abby is swinging in her own backyard. Look at that sweet smile!

And, here's Abby again. She, along with all three of the others, is SO special! We just love spending time with each of them! Since Ralph retired, we have been able to spend more time with them---and we LOVE it!
My next post should be pictures of the Briarlake Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Day. Ralph took a lot of cute pictures today( Saturday), and we look forward to taking a lot more tomorrow!

This has been a really long post. Hope I haven't worn you out!