Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Game Ever!

Just look at this little cutie in his Briarlake basketball uniform! Yesterday was Evan's 1st basketball game EVER! He's only in kindergarten and they all looked so little out there on that basketball court! At five, most of them have no clue what they're doing--but you have to hand it to them--they gave it a good try!
During the game, Evan and Celia(his friend from church) were having a little conversation about "who knows what"!

Notice the armbands. It seems that the armbands are used to signify who they are supposed to guard. Red guards red, etc.

Celia and Evan were having a break--as they sat on the bench and waited their turn to play again.

Yeay! We won! Not a bad start! (I thought I'd document Evan's First game so that, when he's a big basketball star, we can say, "we witnessed his very first game EVER!")

Little Sister was very patient during the game, but now that Evan is getting tips from the coach, she is "over it"! "But wait--Oh, they're having a snack and said I could have some, too! Not bad!"

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