Thursday, July 23, 2009

Our Girl's Day Trip

God is so good!!! He has blessed us with absolutely the BEST grandchildren in the world! Since we are not traveling to Jacksonville anymore, we decided several weeks ago to take two special day trips- one with the girls, and one with the boys. Well, here is the "Girl's Trip". We started off with a visit to the American Girl doll store at North Point Mall. Both girls are such "shoppers", so they really got into looking at all the neat clothes and accessories that are available for American Girl dolls. Since they both have a "Bitty Baby", and Abby has the big-girl doll, their parents had told them GranNan and Poppy weren't going to buy them a doll. They had a ball, anyway! We did buy them an American Girl shirt each, and Abby bought glasses for her doll with her own money.
Here they are proudly showing off their purchases before we go down to the food court for lunch.

Even though they had both said they were hungry, when they saw the carousel, the lunch could wait! They were so excited. Abby said she had asked her Mommy and Daddy if she could ride the carousel at their mall, and they always said "maybe later". So, she said "maybe we can ride it on the "girl's trip"! So, of course, we said "Yes!". They found two horses together and were happy as larks!

They found some little tables that were just the right size for them, so GranNan and Poppy were relegated to an adult-size table.

Then, it was back to the carousel after lunch for yet another ride!

After a fun experience at the mall, we were off to Cleveland, GA for a visit to Babyland General Hospital! Neither of them had been there, so they were enthralled.

Then, it was off to Helen, GA. We were ready for a snack by now, so we found a cute little ice cream parlor, and enjoyed our ice cream!

After riding around the quaint little village of Helen, we decided to watch the "tubers" floating down the river. We didn't have enough time left in our day to do the tubing, but we have a good idea for our next "girl's trip"!

1 comment:

Betty Lou said...

What a special memory made with those beautiful granddaughters. I had fun just reading about it, realize in person it had to be one of your best days ever and certainly for them!