Monday, April 13, 2009

The Briarlake Easter Egg Hunt

Since today is a stay-at-home day for me( It has been pouring rain--and I am getting ready for a colonoscopy tomorrow), I thought I'd backtrack a little and share some pictures of the G-babies at the annual Briarlake Easter Egg Hunt. Will and Abby had spent the night Friday night with us, so they were able to come, too.

We all gathered in the Backlot Saturday morning and had doughnuts, juice, coffee, etc.
Then, got to watch a short film that told the true story of Easter and why we celebrate with eggs.

Pressley had been listening very intently to the story until she decided to convert her Easter basket into an Easter bonnet.

Pressley and Bailey (our Pastor's son) were sitting together during the film, and look how well they were listening

When the film was over, they were released, according to their ages
to go find as many eggs as they could. It was a mad dash!
Afterward, though, the little ones decided to sit and compare their loot.

It was a great time for kids, parents, and grandparents!

Evan and Bailey were also comparing
all the eggs they found.

Here's Evan and Pressley's stuff( GranNan was one of the stuffers of the eggs, so I can attest to the fact that there was lots of candy in each egg).

A good time was had by ALL!

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