Wednesday, September 30, 2009

More Catching Up

On September 21st, Ralph and I got to spend the day with Pressley. Amy had to work, and Pressley had "g'nastics", as she calls it. So, GranNan and Poppy got to have the gymnastics experience! Above, she is showing off her cute leotard and showing how very excited she is to be at "g'nastics"! Below, is a picture Poppy took through the window, since we were not allowed inside.

After lunch at Chick-fil-A, we decided to go visit Granny at Kings Bridge. Below, Pressley is "reading" Granny's Bible. Notice she is still wearing her leotard. The "new" has still not worn off the thrill of her gymnastics' attire, so she wants to wear it everywhere!

Pressley LOVES her Granny, and looks at her adoringly as Granny shows her some family pictures.

And they pose together.....

I just think this is the SWEETEST! These are the hands of the oldest and the youngest members of our family. Granny thinks her hands look so awful, but I think this is beautiful! Her hands represent many years of such love to all of us.

After Evan got home from school, we got to spend some time with him, too. He absolutely loves for his Poppy to read to him! And, of course, Poppy loves it, too! These are days to treasure.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Catch-up from Early September

I have really been a "slacker" when it comes to my blog! I thought when Ralph retired, things would slow down. Was I ever WRONG! We've had a lot of fun, but haven't stopped long at the time. I have some pretty good photos of all we've been up to and thought I'd share them--even if they are a few weeks old. I didn't want to just breeze past these events, so this blog and the next two will be "catch-ups".

Amy is working part-time now at Georgia State. She is counseling law students with career plans and helping them formulate their resumes. Most days she has her child care covered, but every once in a while she needs us to help. The above picture and the one below were taken the day Pressley stayed with us. We always love having her. She is full of personality and such a LOVE!
The picture below was taken Labor Day. Beth and David, Will and Abby were with us, but Amy's family had gone to Seagrove Beach with some friends for Labor Day. We missed them, but still had fun. Ralph grilled these steaks with Dale's sauce and hog rub on them. YUM!

Will loves to help keep the fountain full. He takes that job very seriously, but sometimes "accidently" get pretty wet!

Abby loves strawberries-so she really enoyed this dessert! It is a layered stawberry cheese cake.

Will got dibs on the top strawberry that was dipped in chocolate, but his Daddy was threatening to take it from him!

On September 10th, Ralph and I got away for a few days( three nights). Hilton Head Island is one of our favorite places to be, so we went down and stayed at the Crowne Plaza Resort. We enjoyed it so much! It wasn't very crowded, and the weather was beautiful!

We enjoyed eating breakfast at this little cafe at the Palmetto Bay Marina. I had the stuffed french toast, and it was delicious!

We just sat on the beach and relaxed, read, and watched the scenery. We said since we didn't have the grandchildren to photograph, we had to resort to photographing birds, turtles, flowers, etc.

The landscaping was beautiful! There were Adirondack chairs and hammocks everywhere. Maybe that's what Heaven will be like!
Watch for the next "catch-up" blog soon!